Cellblock gay bar chicago

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Halsted, is directly across the street from Roscoe’s – you can see Cocktail if you look out the front windows of Roscoe’s. Roscoe’s can get as crowded as Sidetracks but never feels as closed-in because the bar’s entire “east wall” is glass window looking onto Halsted.Ĭocktail, at 3359 N. At times a stand-and-model video bar, there’s also dancing in the back room at night. Halsted, is what TV’s Cheers bar would be if Norm and Cliff were 28, hot, and gay. Sidetracks is not for claustrophobes – the bar is usually packed. In the summer, there’s a relatively new roof deck. They have theme nights like Show Tunes on Mondays, as well as comedy nights and retro music theme nights. Halsted, is a multi-room, multi-level video bar. Being 42, I’ve only been inside Spin because it’s the place that participants in the annual Halloween Costume Parade register. Spin, located at the corner of Halsted and Belmont, is a dance bar that attracts mainly a younger crowd. Beginning at the southernmost bar and running north, this is Boystown U.S.A. What makes a Boystown bar-crawl so easy is that 99% of the bars run down about a Ã?½ mile stretch of North Halsted Street. Gay visitors to the city invariably head first to the area of Chicago’s Lakeview and Wrigleyville neighborhoods known as Boystown. Chicago offers so many different gay bars in a variety of different neighborhoods.

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